Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Learning Spaces Day One 2012

Tote trays for students who have a learning
space for the whole day
MSSR at the couch

MSSR at desks independently
MSSR at Learning Spaces

MSSR at desks in groups

Today the Room 12 class of 2012 had their first interactive discovery with learning spaces.  Some of the students were excited at the thought of using tables instead of the traditional desks.  However some were still keen to use a desk.  Some chose to sit in groups, pairs or independently, as the day unfolded students chose to move around and sit on bean bags, stand at tables and make choices for themselves about where they could learn best for that particular learning moment.  Wow - this was an amazing 1st day on our new journey of learning!

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised that this is new for all of you. At our schools in Canada it is very common to work somewhere besides in our desks. We also get to work together a lot so that we can share ideas and help each other.
    As long as we are working, we can sit with who we want, whereever we want.
