Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog Comments Success Criteria

Over the last month we have been commenting on our friends blogs on the other side of the world.

We had these hints and tips to support us when writing comments.

However we still found we were making the odd mistake when we made comments.

So we looked at creating a success criteria.

We keep a copy handy by our digital devices so we can check in with our achievements when blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is most certainly excellent and very sensible advice for leaving quality comments on other blogs. I particularly like the section about not revealing personal information. This is so important to remember when you are online.

    With my class, we have just started a new system for leaving comments on blogs. We call them PIP or PIE comments.
    A PIP comment starts with a Positive note about the blog post, then suggests an Improvement for the blog post, then finishes with a Positive note.
    A PIE comment is much the same. It starts with a Positive, then suggests an Improvement, then finishes with an Enquiry (a question for you to answer).
    We like this new system. Maybe you could try it and if you like it too, add it (or parts of it)to your Blog Comment Success Criteria.
