DOUG FIELD/The Southland Times ROBYN EDIE/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times SARAH LAMONT/The Southland Times DEBBIE JAMIESON/The Southland Times ROBYN EDIE/The Southland Times BARRY HARCOURT/The Southland Times ROBYN EDIE/The Southland Times ROBYN EDIE/The Southland Times ROBYN EDIE/The Southland Times CHE BAKER/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times SONIA GERKEN/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times BARRY HARCOURT/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times BARRY HARCOURT/The Southland Times
NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times CHE BAKER/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times MARY WITSEY/The Southland Times SUE FEA/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times BARRY HARCOURT/The Southland Times DOUG FIELD/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times DOUG FIELD/The Southland Times DOUG FIELD/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times
PLEASANT SURPRISE: Lions Club of Invercargill Host treasurer Kevin Wall (right) presents the Melvin Jones Fellowship to netball coach Robyn Broughton. READY TO ROCKQUEST: Aparima College band Lazarus Rising are taking the stage at Rockquest for the first time. Pictured (from left) Tecwin King, Aran Young, Devon Winders and Daniel Watson. INK PRINT: Artist Christopher Betts works on one of his wood-print pieces for the Anderson Park Gallery exhibition. FINGER CONDUCTING: Southern Institute of Technology piano and vocals tutor Colin Hendry, with his wife Gill, enjoys a joke at his retirement concert. More than 100 students attended the surprise music concert. Mr Hendry taught piano and vocals at the polytechnic for 19 years. RED ZONE: Gail Beker with her painting Red Pepper and Haley Pienaar with her Christchurch earthquake painting, both featured in the SIT Break Out exhibition. ASSESSING THE SCENE: Constables Brendan Parker (left) and Ben McLean inspect a crash scene after two vehicles tangled on Tweed St in Invercargill and crashed on to the centre plot. GRAB A THRILL: This lucky group of 15 scored a free thrill-seeking jetboat ride with Kawarau Jet in Queenstown, while also being filmed for a GrabOne television commercial. GrabOne is a daily-deal website, and staff members were in the resort filming the advert to celebrate its first birthday. WAITING GAME: Miles Mann (left) and grandparents Diana and Keith Mann, of the United States, await a flight home after having their two-week New Zealand holiday completely changed because of ash clouds and a lack of snow. COME TO THE SHOW: Organisers Lynne Tupua (right) and Moniek Kuilder, who both have family members in earthquake-ravaged Christchurch, promote the charity concerts to be held in Invercargill. Ticket sales have been shocking, fewer than 150 of the 1000 available tickets had been sold. WINTER GETAWAY: The Milford track barge under the command of skipper Fred Heath is transported to its winter home on a foggy Te Anau morning to receive its annual service. The barge has been transporting supplies to the start of the Milford track from Te Anau Downs once a week for about 10 years. The barge plays a vital role for walkers during its operating season, when its supplies are helicoptered to Glade House and Pompolona Lodge, on the Milford track. BIN SURVIVING ON THIS: Southland Girls' High School students (from left) Melanie Wright-Hill, Rebecca Fairweather, Emily Wilson, Amanda Carnahan, Lauryn Fox and Kaitlyn Cowan with their survival items to be placed in emergency bins. HELPING HANDS: Celebrating Volunteer Awareness Week with morning tea at Richmond Playcentre were (from left) Timothy McIlhole, 2, his mum and playcentre president Paula McIlhone, Cindy Quertier (at back), her son Harrison Quertier-Kerr, 2, and volunteer Jacqui O'Connor. RATIONAL EXPRESSION: Rural Women New Zealand Southland branch members (from left) Noeline Dinnington, of Dacre; Margaret Carswell, of Kapuka-Moketua; and Robyn Baird, of Dacre, gather up home baking to send to the Farmy Army in Christchurch without charge by Mainfreight. The Federated Farmers-led Farmy Army is a group of hundreds of farmers helping to clean up after the quakes. KEEPING HIS COOL: Naseby Ice Rink and Luge manager Fred Newman stands on the bare luge track, with the warmer weather meaning they cannot lay ice. GO-GETTERS: John Smart, of Kart City, helps Colin Davidson, who took the chequered flag from 25 of his mates during a Winton Probus Club outing at the go-kart track in Invercargill. DEDICATED STUDENT OF FASHION: Gore High School student Emma Ridley works on her entry in the new secondary schools' category at this year's Hokonui Fashion Design Awards. BOY ZONE: Lynzy Todd (right) auctions items at Todd's Car Auctions in Invercargill. An Invercargill institution since the late 1800s, Todd's Auctions closed its doors for the last time this month, but the company's car auctions have continued. DIAMOND COUPLE: Jim and Wynn Sherborne are still in love after 60 years of marriage. The pair celebrated the milestone quietly at Vickery Court in Invercargill. NOW IS THE BIG MOMENT: All 115 pupils at Bluff Community School gave What Now director Kerry Du Pont a warm welcome to the south. HELP AT HAND: Former St John Te Anau manager Frank Dewhurst with a training defibrillator, identical to one now located at Knobs Flat, between Te Anau and Milford Sound. BEER HOG: A true blue, beer-drinking pig enjoys an afternoon beer with his Tokanui owner. After a hard day's graft on his farm, this kunekune pig enjoys nothing better than hogging some beers and pigging out with the farmer. The pig was obviously very thirsty when our photographer arrived because he grunted and groaned, refusing to let him back into his car until the farmer produced a bottle of his favourite tipple Speight's. The farmer wanted to remain anonymous. FALCON AT THE GATES: Richard and Joanne Walker in their 1993 EB2 Falcon XR8 at Queens Park's Feldwick Gates as part of the 2011 Aussie Crawl to Manapouri. The annual convoy is organised by the Southland Holden Enthusiasts Club. The convoy had travelled through Western Southland, stopping for lunch at Colac Bay. About 35 cars had taken part. TALENT TAPPED: Lucy and Charlie Baynes, dressed as Jessie and Woody from the children's film Toy Story, strut their stuff in the novice duo category at competitions held by the Invercargill Tap Dancing Association at Centrestage. SEEN AND GREEN: Truancy officers Lindsay Thomas (left) and Neil Jackson with the green car they drive around. They say all children recognise their car. TRAPPED: Volunteer Ray Willett, of Te Anau, with the feral cat he discovered while clearing the Kepler Track trapline between Rainbow Reach Bridge and the control gates. NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times CHE BAKER/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times MARY WITSEY/The Southland Times SUE FEA/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times BARRY HARCOURT/The Southland Times DOUG FIELD/The Southland Times JOHN HAWKINS/The Southland Times DOUG FIELD/The Southland Times DOUG FIELD/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times NICOLE GOURLEY/The Southland Times
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