Thursday, May 3, 2012

Brain Teasers by Anakie

Question:   What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in a thousand years?

 Question:    What goes up but can't come down?

Leave your answers by posting a comment.  Check out the answers to these brain teasers next Monday. 


  1. Question: What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in a thousand years?

    Answer: The letter 'M' ???

  2. WE think we know the answer to the first one. Is it m?
    Still working on the other one though!
    Markethill P5/5

  3. I think I know what the 2nd one was its helium!
    from Jess
    Darfiled Pramary School

  4. can i ask you a qustion?
    How do you put the viedos into your blog so i can put some in our blog?
    And i love your blog!!!

  5. Hi Anakie
    For the first one I think it is m and for the second one I know the second one is age

    From Teegan
