Monday, September 24, 2012

Highlights from Day One

21 hours later and here we are in Dubai, slightly exhausted but extremely excited about what experiences are ahead! Mr Rolton and I begin our day with a catch up sleep, a walk around a very large mall and our city tour. The temperature was a scorching 41 degrees so it was amazing going in doors during the tour! There were modern sky scrapers, museums, quaint original buildings made of sea choral, taxi boat ride to a spice and gold souke and many more to share. There is even more to share as the day comes to an end but my eyes too tired to say no to dread jet lag I must share with you another time :)


  1. Hi Mrs Rolton
    I hope you are having a great time there I wish I went with you

    From Teegan

  2. Antoinette thinks that the piches are couerful

    1. Hi Antoinette

      you are a great speller but This is how you spell photos and colorful

      From Satisha
