This blog is evidence of Jazz Rolton and Room 12's journey using web2 tools within a variety of curriculum areas, but especially in the areas of literacy, numeracy and Inquiry learning programmes from 2009-2013.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Recycling Highlight in 2012
Recycling When we went to the Recycling centre and it smelled really bad some people didn't like it and some people could not smell it because they had a blocked noses. After a while the man told us the bad smell was rotten milk. Then they showed us the security system. We went into this room and this man talked to us about what happens to the rubbish when it comes to the recycling centre. Then we went into this other dark room, the man turned on the lights and started talking about where the other recycling centres are all over the world and he had a camera on a centre in china it was so Amazing.
2012 Highlights.
Our Year 5 Highlights for 2012 are.....
Skyping Darfeild primary and Jericho school in the U.S.A, making sushi, shortbread, green tea,mallow puff raindeer and Christmas puddings.
And we have been raising money for the Year 6 camp 2013 next year by having a Friday Fun Day.
Miss Egerton and Bailey waiting to be soaked.
It cost $1 to soak the teacher buy one throw get the 2nd free
Doing research about countries such as Ireland, England, Australia, Canada, Tonga, Spain and Thailand.
By Gabrielle, Blade and Kathryn
Skyping Darfeild primary and Jericho school in the U.S.A, making sushi, shortbread, green tea,mallow puff raindeer and Christmas puddings.
And we have been raising money for the Year 6 camp 2013 next year by having a Friday Fun Day.
Miss Egerton and Bailey waiting to be soaked.
It cost $1 to soak the teacher buy one throw get the 2nd free
Doing research about countries such as Ireland, England, Australia, Canada, Tonga, Spain and Thailand.
By Gabrielle, Blade and Kathryn
Highlights of 2012- Borland Lodge
Custom Glitter Text
This is a photo of us on the Burnt Ridge track. Here are some of the activities: On the way to Camp we had a Quiz , Kayaking, Archery, Abseiling, helping in the kitchen ( the onions made us cry ), ball skills, photo orientation horizontal bungee, marble race, leadership skills , playing neighbours next door to us (the boys didn't want to play LOL) max taught some of us to throw and catch the ball, blind fold trail, ropes course. Camp was a great experience!!!
Custom Glitter Text
Check out this website it has all the information you need.
Skyping Jericho and Darfield Primary
On Friday our class skyped Jericho in the USA and Darfield Primary in Christchurch. We performed the boys haka, to Jericho school and they liked it because they all clapped when we were finished. Darfield showed us there mini hot air balloon, it looked cool and they even made a dance called Room 9 Super Stars and they showed us the dance and then we all clapped at the end :]
By Kaea and Kylos
By Kaea and Kylos
Our Te Awa Hou Journey
Well it starts off in term 1 where The Te Awa Hou Kapa Haka Roopu became ONE.We started with Mia as a kaea Kotiro and Josh as a Kaea Tama. We have a guitar player called Matua Simon Kairau.
Term 2 we started with this medly and we practiced as hard as we could untill...
Polyfest. Our roopu came together as a very good kapahaka roopu.
We were all so excited :)
Term 3 we were so hyped because we had Polyfest it was the great roopu that became a group.
The items we did were: He Honore and Medly.
The items we did were: He Honore and Medly.
We were so good!
Term 4, after our hard work and sweat we finally made it to Nga Putangitangi Festival where we came:
3rd for our haka and our kakahu placing was 2nd.
Our kapahaka ropu were all proud of each other.
So that is the end of our Kapa Haka Journey 2012.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Breakfast with Santa
Last Friday we had "Breakfast with Santa" which we all thought was a catch phrase Mrs Rolton was using to spice up the name for having breakfast at school. But would you believe Sanata actually arrived?! It was amazing he knew all our names - he said "I work as the caretaker all year and then just before Christmas I am Santa".

We had toast and our favourite spread that people brought from home. The most popular was strawberry/chocolate nutella - YUM.
We then skyped a school in the USA - can you believe that?! They came from Jerichoe, Vermont. We had to come to school at 7.45am to skype them and at 8.15am they were packing up to go home, and we hadn't even started our school day!
We then skyped our buddy class Room 9 Darfield Primary - this was our last skype for the year which was a little sad! They sung and danced a song called "Room 9 style" it was great. We sung them a Christmas Carol.
Wow what an amazing day which ended in assembly, it was our turn to lead it with Room 4 and the kapa haka ropu sung the boys and girls haka which was awesome.
To end the day we got our school newsletter and our school report. Next week will be the last week of the school year before Christmas.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
How crazy am I?
Talking teddys, imaginary friends ,thinking that every thing is evil?
aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!! My mind is about to explode with all my imaginary friends screaming in my ears all at once! Jennie is screaming because a wolf has her leg, Jonnie is yelling for every one to just BE QUEIT !!!!!!!!Then at the top of my lungs I screamed "SHUT UP!!!"
Then my talking teddies came in and asked me "what the hell is going on?" At once my friends fainted at my chicken and my bear "chickens " said my chicken.
after wards,my demon doll came in and laughed is head off I'm not kidding! He really did laugh his head off, when he laughed faster his head jiggled faster , it happened over and over and over again!
After a while, the lights turned off and I needed a drink really bad, my vision got weirder and weirder the sink got further and further away then I saw a red dot in my drink bottle .....I crept closer and closer....... then .....BAM!!! The lights turned on , a cow mooed out the window......
To be continued ..........
By Gabrielle
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Highlights from Day Four
Who turned on my wake up alarm? It was going to be a long day as I woke up like a box of fluffy ducks ready to meet the day ahead at 4am! After sharing a Greek breakfast (that consisted of mainly pastry style food) by the sea with Mr Rolton, we decided to head out and explore the town of Mykonos. On the bus we went and what a ride it was! Skinny roads to navigate, driving on the right side and dodging pedestrians as there were no footpaths in sight. This bus ride had some heart stopping moments more than once before we came to a screaming holt in the centre of town. Sales galore and lots of quirky wee things to bring home kept me busy most of the day. Lunch looking over the bay which had 2 cruise ships the size of apartment buildings docked at the wharf brought a pleasant lull in the events that had past. Before I knew it was 4pm and we headed for the beach and pool before a light snack for tea. An amazing sun set we watched bringing this super day on a Greek Island to an end with exciting thoughts of time well spent and what tomorrow may bring. No complaints from me I'm loving everything!
The time difference is too hard to Skype you today. So room 12 have a great last day of the term for the skiers and for those of you staying behind...Be kind to yourselves and each other! Also be the great NRP learners you all are and support teachers and adults helping out these next couple of days. Mrs McKee has homework to give you, remember to complete your daily journal and reading mileage and I will see you first day back of term 4 or if your in the Kapa Haka ropu I will see you Saturday 13th of October (last Saturday of the holidays) :) yay!
The time difference is too hard to Skype you today. So room 12 have a great last day of the term for the skiers and for those of you staying behind...Be kind to yourselves and each other! Also be the great NRP learners you all are and support teachers and adults helping out these next couple of days. Mrs McKee has homework to give you, remember to complete your daily journal and reading mileage and I will see you first day back of term 4 or if your in the Kapa Haka ropu I will see you Saturday 13th of October (last Saturday of the holidays) :) yay!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Highlights from Day Three
Well it's been another long day! We flew to Athens which took us 5 hours, waited at the airport and on the plane for Mykonos which took 35 minutes. Extreme difference in travel time I thought! For me to Skype you tomorrow I'd need to be up at 5.30am and with the long day I have had best we plan to Skype at 2.30 NZ time Thursday. The pictures I have added are taken at the airport (the man is a hologram- find out what a hologram is if you do not know) and at the Hotel I arrived at tonight in time for a very yummy tea that I thought was scrumptious Oh la la!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Highlights from Day Two
What a way to start the day but to run on the treadmill, have a weight training workout and to finish a few refreshing laps in the hotel pool! We were treated to an American breakfast and Arabian coffee which is extra bitter. Before I knew it we had organised a train ticket and we were off to the largest mall in Dubai; that sits at the bottom of the tallest building in the world (826m high, equivalent to 8.25 rugby fields). OMG as I entered the mall my eyes bulged with excitement about the thought of what I could see and prospects of buying a few bargains, "calm down" Mr Rolton suggested but this fell on my deaf ears. To end our evening we boarded a floating restaurant that cruised us up the Dubai Creek; it is far from what we in NZ would call a creek. The ambience of the boat and the buildings that past us made me feel grateful for the day that had past!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Highlights from Day One
21 hours later and here we are in Dubai, slightly exhausted but extremely excited about what experiences are ahead! Mr Rolton and I begin our day with a catch up sleep, a walk around a very large mall and our city tour. The temperature was a scorching 41 degrees so it was amazing going in doors during the tour! There were modern sky scrapers, museums, quaint original buildings made of sea choral, taxi boat ride to a spice and gold souke and many more to share. There is even more to share as the day comes to an end but my eyes too tired to say no to dread jet lag I must share with you another time :)
Monday, September 17, 2012
All About Us- Room12
Room12 has 20 year 5 and 6 students. We have the President- Brody and Vice President- Nesion of the student council.Our classroom dose Kapa Haka and shares it with other schools and classroom.We have three expectations witch are: Be Respectful,Be Responsible and Honest.
We have very good leaders like: Mia, Nesion ,Sapphire and Lane.
We set goals every term for our self's to improve on. We also have VIP's in our class witch are Mia and Lane.For inquiry this term we learn about Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Saturday, September 8, 2012
Media Awards Congratulations
Congratulations to the following Room 12 winners that won awards at our sub cluster media awards held on Friday 7th September. The sub cluster is New River Primary, Donovan Primary and Makarewa School.
Music Video: Our Maori Culture - Mia, Theissen and Nesion
Commercial: Rugby World Cup 2015 - Gabrielle, Kylos and Aidan
Story Telling: Vegemite vs Marmite - Madison
These people will have their videos go onto the next competition that will be held in October between 10 Southland schools.
Something to Think About...
As you work in the classroom or are out in the playground, take the following quote into consideration...
T H I N K...
T H I N K...
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Room 12 Media Awards - Documentary Section
New River Primary Media Awards 2nd place in the documentary section went to Aeliza, Teegan and Chloe for their Tumutumu Maori Instruments entry.
Room 12 Media Awards - Story Telling
Room 12 won 1st and 2nd placings in the Story Telling Section of the New River Primary Media Awards 2012.
Congratulations to Madison who took 1st place with her Marmite vs Vegemite story made on the ipad and transferred to iMovie.
2nd place went to Gabrielle, Kylos and Aidan for their Rugby World Cup 2015 story.
Story TellingYr4-6Rugby World Cup 2015 from Jazz Rolton on Vimeo.
Room 12 Media Awards - Music Video Section
First place Music Video for the Year 4-6 Section at the New River Primary Media Awards went to Mia, Theissen and Nesion with their amazing video titled...
"Our Maori Culture"
"Our Maori Culture"
Room 12 Media Awards - Commercial Section
Room 12 entries won 1st and 2nd placings in the Year4-6 Media Awards 2012
Congratulations to Gabrielle, Kylos and Aidan for their Rugby World Cup 2015 entry that won 1st place.
Placed 2nd in the Year 4-6 Commercial Section was Anakie and Sapphire for their Bike Safety message.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Room 12 Media Awards - Manipulated Images
Five students from Room 12 entered their manipulated images into the New River Primary awards. Mini Mars Haka by Brody, Gold Medal Winner by Lane, Rugby on the Moon by Blade, Scary by Lane and our 1st place winner Vegemite vs Marmite by Madison
Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.
Room 12 Media Awards - Static Images
The following static images were entered into the New River Primary Static Images Section at our recent Media Awards...
Media Awards - Rm 12 Static Images on PhotoPeach
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Haiku Poems
Write a Haiku Poem
To be Successful we need to write...
Only three lines, totaling 17 syllables throughout
The first line must be only 5 syllables
The second line must be comprised of 7 syllables
The third line must be 5 syllables like the first
Haiku does not have to rhyme, in fact many times it does not rhyme at
Some haiku can include the repetition of words or sounds
Haiku is a descriptive form of poetry.
Originating in Japan, haiku poetry typically discusses subjects from the natural world, including seasons, months, animals, insects, and even the smallest elements of nature, down to a blade of grass or a drop of dew.
Hey its Fathers Day and
you know its true,
Hey its Fathers Day and I love you!
By Gabrielle
Happiness beautiful
the best Mum I have pretty
I love you Mum
By Satisha
I will thank you for all that you do
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be
By Michael
Kittens furry fruends
fuzzy kittens in the lounge
fluff gets everywhere.
By Tyler
Write a Haiku Poem
To be Successful we need to write...
Haiku is a descriptive form of poetry.
Originating in Japan, haiku poetry typically discusses subjects from the natural world, including seasons, months, animals, insects, and even the smallest elements of nature, down to a blade of grass or a drop of dew.
Hey its Fathers Day and
you know its true,
Hey its Fathers Day and I love you!
By Gabrielle
Happiness beautiful
the best Mum I have pretty
I love you Mum
By Satisha
I will thank you for all that you do
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be
By Michael
Kittens furry fruends
fuzzy kittens in the lounge
fluff gets everywhere.
By Tyler
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Last Day of Swimming
Learning Survival skills with life jackets...
Last day of swimming...
Juan said "my favourite thing was diving and holding onto the buckets".
Lane said "my favourite part was river skulling".
Donovhan said " my favourite bit was diving and using the life jackets to float".
Tamati said "my favourite bit was front flipping and streamlined swimming".
Last day of swimming...
Juan said "my favourite thing was diving and holding onto the buckets".
Lane said "my favourite part was river skulling".
Donovhan said " my favourite bit was diving and using the life jackets to float".
Tamati said "my favourite bit was front flipping and streamlined swimming".
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
At Swimming today...
At Swimming today...
Today we learnt how to do free style / back stroke. It was hard because we had to keep on switching from our front to our back. I did enjoy it better because I was able to breath when I was on my back. This technique gives you more movement.
By Michael
Today at swimming I learnt how to doggy paddle in the 2m deep pool for a 1 minute 30 seconds. I felt so tired but it was lots of fun.
By Sapphire
Today I learnt how to stay underwater sitting on my bum on the bottom of the pool. I felt breathless by the end.
By Cullam Rm 11
I learnt how to duck my head under the water with my eyes open. It was cool.
By Chantelle Rm 2
I learnt how to do back stroke. If the water got in my face I had to spit it out. I felt proud of myself because I got to the other end without stopping.
By Anahere Hore Rm 13
I learnt to dunk my head under the water and get objects out of the water. I felt happy because it was fun.
Forde Hodgkinson-Harris Rm 8
This report comes to you from the viewing seats at Splash today.
Today we learnt how to do free style / back stroke. It was hard because we had to keep on switching from our front to our back. I did enjoy it better because I was able to breath when I was on my back. This technique gives you more movement.
By Michael
Today at swimming I learnt how to doggy paddle in the 2m deep pool for a 1 minute 30 seconds. I felt so tired but it was lots of fun.
By Sapphire
Today I learnt how to stay underwater sitting on my bum on the bottom of the pool. I felt breathless by the end.
By Cullam Rm 11
I learnt how to duck my head under the water with my eyes open. It was cool.
By Chantelle Rm 2
I learnt how to do back stroke. If the water got in my face I had to spit it out. I felt proud of myself because I got to the other end without stopping.
By Anahere Hore Rm 13
I learnt to dunk my head under the water and get objects out of the water. I felt happy because it was fun.
Forde Hodgkinson-Harris Rm 8
This report comes to you from the viewing seats at Splash today.
Swimming Term 3 2012
Swimming at Splash Palace
Swimming is...
Learning the dolphin dive - Blade
The New River roll - Lane
Fun - Kaea
Blowing bubbles and breathing - Blade
Sculling - Anakie
Learning to survive in the water - Anakie
Breath stroke - Brody
Over the last week students have been pushing themselves over and above their comfort zone in the water. Learning new skills and discovering new abilities in the water has been an amazing break though of confidence for some people.
Keep being the best you can be and practice, practice, practice!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Blue Blacks
Mrs Rolton has been playing with Active Inspire and Grab.
Some of these things ain't like the others, some of these things ain't quite the same. Now it's time to play my game. Can you guess what things ain't quiet the same?
Report Writing - Gabrielle
Write a newspaper report using the correct report features.We will be successful when we include a
•Main body of text
Check Out Gabrielle's newspaper report
Does her report include all the features required?
Yesterday we had a very serious tragedy... the Christchurch Radio Station was blown up because it was not safe to be in.
A short series of ear shattering explosions was all it took to demolish Radio Network House.
The 14 story building is now a pile of rubble between Manchester Street and Latimer Square.
The rubble will be cleared within a months time. Go to this website for more information .
By Gabrielle
The rubble will be cleared within a months time. Go to this website for more information .
Image of Christchurch implosion
By Gabrielle
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
New River Primary Preparing for Polyfest
HAND SIGNALS: Eitiare Tangatakino, 6, moves to the music
during rehearsals at New River Primary School in Invercargill. Eitiare
was one of 24 pupils getting ready for the 2012 Polyfest at the Civic
Theatre from Wednesday to Friday.
At the New River Primary School, organiser Lisa Tou-McNoughton watched from the sidelines as 24 children swivelled their hips to the beat of the music, polishing off their moves before their debut on Wednesday.
About 50 groups across Southland and Otago who will be taking part in this year's festival.
It had been rewarding to see both the rural communities as well as Invercargill get on board the event through the years, she said, and seeing the practice time and co-ordinating pay off made it worth it.
Some of the children who will be taking part in Polyfest - including her own - had grown up performing in the event, she said.
"We're really looking forward to this - the community involvement so far has been wonderful."
The St Patrick's Polyfest group is doing a pre-Polyfest performance for the Elston Lea Kindergarten today at 11am, at St Patrick's in View St.
The Polyfest Cultural Festival will be at the Civic Theatre from Wednesday to Friday.
Tickets are gold-coin entry.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Stags Visit to New River Primary
Today my class meet the Southland Stags (wooo hooo) and Stevo the Stag with his stupendous dance moves (baw chaw waw) "awesome" said Aidan. They said Stevo could eat a whole 100 metre patch of grass (holy moly). The Stags we meet were, Jamie MacIntosh - captain, Kaoe Puki - winger and Ben - who is a forward. We asked questions, you wouldn't believe Stevo the Stag has a play station 3. His faourite game is deer hunting - get it? Anyway it was awesome meeting the Stags.
By Lane
By Lane
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Student of the Month - July
Theissen Kataina-Marii
Friday, July 27, 2012
Knock knock
who's there?
Cocodoodle who?
Hey! I didn't know
you were a rooster!
By Gabrielle
who's there?
Cocodoodle who?
Hey! I didn't know
you were a rooster!
By Gabrielle
Quad Blogging at New River Primary
Quad Blogging at NRP started this week and Room 12's blog was the focus blog. A big thanks to Room 4 for your comments. We are looking forward to reading other classes blogs in in our Quad Tahi and leaving comments.
Quad Tahi: (Support Teacher Jazz)
Room 14
Week Beginning: Focus
Mon 23rd July Week 2 12
Mon 30th July Week 3 8
Mon 6th August Week 4 14
Mon 13th August Week 5 4
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Water melon
Water melon who?
Knock knock
Who's there?
Water Melon
Water Melon who
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Water Melon
Water Melon who?
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Orange who?
Are you glade I didn't say Water Melon! :)
From Theissen
Who's there?
Water melon
Water melon who?
Knock knock
Who's there?
Water Melon
Water Melon who
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Water Melon
Water Melon who?
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Orange who?
Are you glade I didn't say Water Melon! :)
From Theissen
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Magnet Facts
Why do magnet stick on to fridges?
A: Because fridges are made out of steel and steel is a type of meatil?
Magnet Quiz
Q: This is a force Where objects are attracted or repelled to one another?
A: magnetism
Q: magnet have north seeking pole and a south seeking pole.
A: True
Q: Two of the same kinds of pole repel each other
A: True
Q: Two opposite poles attract other
A: True
By Satisha And Sapphire.
A: Because fridges are made out of steel and steel is a type of meatil?
Magnet Quiz
Q: This is a force Where objects are attracted or repelled to one another?
A: magnetism
Q: magnet have north seeking pole and a south seeking pole.
A: True
Q: Two of the same kinds of pole repel each other
A: True
Q: Two opposite poles attract other
A: True
By Satisha And Sapphire.
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