Murihiku Marae…
A Marae is very important to the Maori people and it is also used for special occasion like weddings and tangi (Funerals).
Murihiku marae is an important place for many people especially the people who belong to this marae.
When you walk into the wharenui it has a special name called Te Rakitauneke, it has been named after a special ancestor that was buried on Bluff Hill, he is still important to the marae and their people.
About 92 people helped make the marae and about ¼ of these people were pacific island people. The Maori were kind enough to let them leave a bit of their heritage so they painted a pattern on the wall.
A very important rule was that when the men were carving the walls in the wharenui the ladies were not allowed in the wharenui.
If you are in a Powhiri process each ropu (group) would have a Kaikaranga other wise known as a caller, when the tangata whenua Kaikaranga does her call then the other group calls back until the visitors arrive at the wharenui.
The building of the marae began in 1986 and finished in 1990, so many people put effort into the marae to make it beautiful and special.
When you are in the wharenui with another ropu, each of you will have a kaikorero, a kaikorero is always a male and he does a speech. If you are the guest then you will give money for the tangata whenua to look after the marae, this is called a koha.
Each marae has a iwi tribe that they are proud to represent in a lot different of ways. A marae has a beautiful nature behind it and legends that will be here for eternity.
Written by Elisapeta.
Thank you for sharing about the marae. Most of us remember going to the marae early this year. Some of our new children didn't go. The art work was amazing there and we enjoyed singing for the people there. from room 3.